Thursday, November 9, 2017

Happy Birthday Benjamin Banneker!

On this day in 1731, Benjamin Banneker was born free near Baltimore, Maryland. During his life, he became a renowned farmer, mathematician, and astronomer. As a teenager, he invented an irrigation system for his family’s farm, and at the age of 21, he constructed the first clock completely built in North America. The clock was made entirely of wood, and kept accurate time for 50 years.

Banneker’s most noted accomplishment is that of architect of Washington, D.C. Historians tell us that after a year of work, the French architect hired by George Washington to design the capital, quit and took all of the plans with him.  Banneker, who was placed on the development committee at Thomas Jefferson's request, saved the project by reproducing from memory a complete layout of the streets, parks, and major buildings.

Washington, D.C. itself is a monument to the genius of this great man.

Benjamin Banneker died in 1806 at the age of 75.

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